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Commission on Drug Policy
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library
We are interested in your feedback about the online libraries. To comment on the libraries, send an e-mail to: Cliff Schaffer at cschaffer@socal.rr.comt But -- before you write - read this:
About once a week I get a complaint from someone about the Anheuser-Busch brochure titled "Why Beer is Better than Illegal Drugs." I also get occasional complaints from people who think I wrote one or more of the documents on the web, and I get complaints from people who read one item (such as the Anheuser-Busch brochure) and think it represents my opinions on the subject.
If you are writing to make a complaint, first read more of the online library. There is lots of fascinating stuff there, from lots of different points of view. If you are like most Americans, most of what you think you know about the subject is probably wrong. I invite you to read it all and be surprised at what you find. For openers, try The History of the Marijuana Laws and The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Dugs.
Second, recognize that I wrote very little of the material that is in the online library. The great majority of it was written by others and does not necessarily represent my opinions. I include materials from a great variety of sources with a great variety of differing opinions. That's because this is a L-I-B-R-A-R-Y (meaning - "a collection of books"). I have faith that, given enough reading, the great majority of people will be able to make their intelligent decisions about the research. If you disagree with anything that is there, I invite you to submit any research you have which you think explains it better. I assure you that I am interested in all pertinent research, whether it is pro, con, or indifferent.
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library