Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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Short List of Signers
Whereas, the overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society and the crime and misery that accompanies it has continued to deteriorate for several decades; and
Whereas, our society has continued to attempt, at enormous financial cost, and loss of civil liberties, to resolve drug abuse problems through the criminal justice system, with the accompanying increases of prisons and numbers of inmates; and
Whereas, the huge untaxed revenues generated by the illicit drug trade are undermining legitimate governments world-wide; and
Whereas, the present system has spawned a cycle of hostility by the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups; and
Whereas, the number of people who have contracted AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases from contaminated hypodermic needles is epidemic under our present system; and
Whereas, in our society's zeal to pursue our criminal approach, legitimate medical uses for the relief of pain and suffering of patients have been suppressed.
Therefore be it resolved that our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are and that they must be treated with medical and social solutions; and
Further be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revision of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing.
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Please send to:
Judge James P. Gray
Orange County Superior Court
700 Civic Center Drive West
Santa Ana, CA 92701
and send to: President Bill Clinton, White House, Washington, DC
Make copies and encourage your friends to do the same.
Partial List of Signers
Dr. Milton Friedman Nobel laureate; Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Chicago; Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA Dr. Joseph D. McNamara Former Police Chief of San Jose; Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA Herbert Berger, M.D. F.A.C.P.; F.C.C.P.; Internationally recognized authority on drug treatment, Staten Island, NY Judge James P. Gray Orange County Superior Court, Santa Ana, CA Katherine H. Smith Founder, Group Resolving Anti-Social Problems (GRASP), Anaheim, CA S. Clarke Smith, M.D. F.A.A.F.P.; Board of Directors, California Academy of Family Physicians, Anaheim, CA Clifford A. Schaffer Author; Computer Consultant, Canyon Country, CA Frederick H. Meyers, M.D. Professor of Pharmacology, University of California at San Francisco; Chairman of the California Research Advisory Panel on Drugs Harvey L. Rose, M.D. Author of California's "Intractable Pain Treatment Act"; Family Practice, Carmichael, CA John J. McCarthy, M.D., Psychiatrist, Executive Director, Bi-Valley A.B.P.N. Medical Clinic, Sacramento, CA Gary Davis, M.D. Diplomate in Psychiatry, A.B.P.N., American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Citrus Heights, CA Benson B. Roe, M.D. Professor and Chief Emeritus of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of California at San Francisco, CA Stephen A. Fisher, M.D., Diplomate in Psychiatry, A.B.P.N., American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Berkeley, CA Reverend Leonard B. Jackson First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles, CA Reverend J. D. Moore First A.M.E. Church of Los Angeles, CA Donald McNamara Investment Consultant, New York, NY Richard Arthur Educator; Former Principal of Castlemont High School, Oakland, CA; Author of Gangs and Schools, Richmond, CA Richard "Gibb" Martin Owner, Marbros Construction Co., Garden Grove, CA Howard Lavine Office of the Mayor, Baltimore, MD *Kurt L . Schmoke Mayor, City of Baltimore, Maryland *George Shultz Former Secretary of State; Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA Frank Jordan Mayor, City of San Francisco, CA Susan Hammer Mayor, City of San Jose, CA Elihu Harris Mayor, City of Oakland, CA Robert R. Nolan Mayor, City of Upland, CA Assemblyman John Vasconcellos Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, California State Assembly Senator Rebecca Q. Morgan California State Senate Representative Greg R. M.P.H., Hawaii House of Representatives Buckwalter Senator Joseph Galiber New York State Senate Marc Martin Fire Chief, Fullerton Fire Department, Fullerton, CA Arlo Smith Esq. District Attorney, San Francisco, CA Harriett M. Wieder County Supervisor, County of Orange, CA Emma Bonino Deputy Speaker, Italian Chamber of Deputies; Secretary, Radical Trans-National Party, Rome, Italy Alan H. Dodds Foreign Service Officer (Retired), U.S. Department of State James J. Gormley Foreign Service Officer (Retired), U.S. Department of State Jim Toledano Former Regent, University of California J. Tilman Williams Councilman (Retired), Garden Grove, CA Daniel H. Ninburg, M.D. Commissioner, Orange County Human Relations Commission, Orange County, CA Mike A. Nisperos, Jr., Esq. Director, Mayor's Office of Drugs and Crime, Oakland, CA Ellen Lorman Deputy City Attorney, Children and Family Services, San Francisco, CA Senator Marian Bergeson California State Senate Thomas F. Riley Orange County Board of Supervisors, Orange County, CA Senator Robert Presley California State Senate Anne Rudin Former Mayor, 1981-1993, Sacramento, CA Donald M. Fraser Mayor, Minneapolis, MN Illa Collin Sacramento County Supervisor, Sacramento, CA William Von Raab* Former Commissioner of Customs under Presidents Reagan and Bush, Orange, VA Anthony Ribera Chief of Police, San Francisco, CA Lou Cobarruviaz Chief of Police, San Jose, CA Bob Nichelini Acting Chief of Police, Oakland, CA Michael Hennessey Sheriff, City and County of San Francisco, CA Nicolas Pastore Chief of Police, New Haven, CT Alfred Blumstein, Ph.D. Carnegie-Mellon Foundation; Pres. Amer Association of Criminologists Robert G. Le Conte President, National Association of Veteran Police Officers, Austin, TX **Central Conference of Contact: Rabbi Joseph B. Glaser, New York, NY American Rabbis California Democratic Council Rita Hodgkins, President, Sacramento, CA The Libertarian Party of Washington, DC America San Francisco Drug Advisory Board, San Francisco, CA Berkeley City Council Berkeley, CA Board of Directors, California Academy of Family Physicians The California Society of Addiction Medicine The Cbief of Police and the entire staff of the District Attorney's Office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands The entire stafff of the San Bernardino County Probation Department Twenty-three chaplains from Rikers Island Prison in New York Michael L. Sorg Former Police Chief, San Clemente, CA R. H. Hessing Chief of Police, Rotterdam, Holland T. Reitsma Police Chief, Rotterdam, Ruenmond, Holland Nancy Foutts (Former) Supervisory Patrol Officer, US Customs Service, Orange County Grand Jury, Garden Grove, CA Gregory L. Morgon Lieutenant, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles, CA Sidney Mills Captain (Retired) Los Angeles County Police Department, Los Angeles, CA Joel Fort, M.D. Former Director, National Instiute on Mental Health Mario Lap Netherlands Institute on Alcohol and Drugs Nia Van Oosten Netherlands Institute on Alcohol and Drugs Frans Jansen Netherlands Institute on Alcohol and Drugs Melvyn L. Sterling, M.D. President, Orange County Medical Association, Orange, CA Frank Amato, M.D. Past President, Orange County Medical Association, Orange, CA Jonathan Weisbuch, M.D., MPH Medical Director, Department of Health Services, County of Los Angeles; Delegate of the American Medical Association, Los Angeles, CA Reverend Bruce Larson Co-Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, CA Father Joseph Ganssle OFM, President, Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy, Denver, CO Pastor Andrew L. Gunn President, Clergy for an Enlightened Drug Policy, St. Luke's United Methodist Church, Washington, DC Marjorie H. Cherry District Chief, Jail Mental Health Services, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Russel C. Ewing, M.D. Former President, Orange County Medical Association, Santa Ana, CA Harold Amer, M.D. Director, Pediatric Critical Care, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Beverly Hills, CA Joseph R. Rowan President and CEO, Criminal and Juvenile Justice International, Roseville, MN
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | The Drug Legalization Debate