Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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In our continuing effort to bring to you the news on this issue, we ran across the following item. It seems that the city of Anaheim, California (Disneyland, USA) decided to pass an ordinance banning anyone who had ever been convicted of a drug offense from visiting a public park. I could go on for hours describing all the reasons this is a really dumb idea, but let it suffice to say that the ordinance was repealed after the local probation officers complained that their office was right across from a park and the ordinance would mean that many of the people they had to deal with would have no place to sit while waiting for their appointments.
Just another outstandingly dumb approach to the drug problem.
.010 No person shall enter or remain in any public park who has been convicted of unlawful sale, or possession for
sale, of any controlled substance (as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 11007), regardless of whether the offense occurred in the City of Anaheim or in another jurisdiction. ...
.020 No person shall enter or remain in any public park who has been convicted of
unlawful use, possession or being under the influence, of any controlled substance (as
defined in health and Safety Code Section 11007), if the conviction was based on conduct
which occurred, wholly or partly, in any public park, regardless of whether such park is
in the City of Anaheim ...
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