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The New York Times January 6, 1915
Commissioner Woods Sees an Improvement in Conditions
In a special report made yesterday to Police Commissioner Woods it is shown that in
1914, 950 arrests were made by the special squad which was organized to break up illicit
sales and distribution of drugs and narcotics. Guy Scull, Secretary of the Department, and
Lieut. Scherb, in charge of the special squad, made the report. It says that in 1913 there
were 511 arrests on the similar charges. In 1914 there were secured 947 convictions, as
against 256 in 1913, and 612 discharges, as against 146 the previous year.
Lieut. Scherb says 41 arrested were in such a condition that their removal to a hospital was necessary. Of the total number, 277 had been previously arrested, 5 for assault and robbery, 37 for burglary, 11 for carrying dangerous weapons, 89 for larceny, 2 for homicide, 12 for assault, and 5 for robbery, while 116 had been taken before for drug and narcotic law breaking.
Commissioner Woods said the report showed a big improvement over previous conditions.
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