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Federal Officials Suspect Alien Smuggling and White Slavery
Special to the New York Times.
WASHINGTON, Sept 7.-- On the basis of unofficial reports from Chicago concerning the discovery there of a "Chinese black book" containing a list of agencies for the sale of opium in various cities, marginal notes in Chinese characters, and records of Chinese alleged to have been smuggled into the United States, Federal officials will to-morrow start on the trail of what they suspect to be an organization of opium sellers, Chinese smugglers, and white slavers.
Immigration Commissioner Caminetti directed the Chicago immigration officials to-night to get in touch with the Chicago police, who have possession of the Chinese black book, and obtain all the information regarding the case, with a view of ascertaining whether the Chinese exclusion laws have been violated by smuggling Orientals over an "underground road" from Canada.
The Chief Immigration Inspector at Chicago is Dr. Percy L. Prentis, who is now in New York on detail as a member of the special board investigating food conditions at Ellis Island.
The special agents of the Customs Service will also look into the matter, as they are
interested in violations of the opium law, while the immigration authorities are more
particularly concerned with the allegations of smuggling Chinese into the country. Any
evidence of violations of the Mann white slave law will be turned over to the Department
of Justice.
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