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The New York Times September 2, 1917
1,242 Disposed Of by City Magistrates in Six Months.
At the request of Chief City Magistrate William McAdoo a report was prepared by Chief Statistician Charles W. Strong showing that in the first six months of 1917 1,242 drug cases were disposed of in the City Magistrate's Court. 1,104 defendants were men and the rest women. The cases are separated into four classes: The voluntary commitments through the Chief Magistrate's office to Warwick Farms, of which there were 103; the drug addicts over whom the city magistrates have summary jurisdiction; the distributors of drugs charged with misdemeanor under the public health law and held for special sessions, and the dealers charged with felony in possessing narcotics in violation of Section 1,752 of the Penal Code.
Of 175 drug users in which cases magistrates have summary jurisdiction, 37 defendants were female and 138 male. All were sent to hospitals for treatment. Of the 471 drug distributors arraigned for violations of the public health law as miscreants 424 were men and 47 were women. Of 392 felony charges against dealers of narcotics 339 defendants were men and 53 women. Six men were held for the Grand Jury, the remainder being ultimately charged with misdemeanors.
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