Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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Comments on Alcohol Prohibition by President Herbert Hoover, 1929
Hoover news conference of April 5, 1929: (...) Aurora Prohibition Raid. I have four or five questions referring to the incident of law enforcement at Aurora, Illinois (Footnote: A woman was killed during a raid by prohibition agents. Subsequent investigation determined that Federal officers did not participate in the action.) ...but I might say that this is entirely a case of local authorities, and was not participated in in any shape by the Federal authorities, right or wrong. (...) and I know of no cases since this administration where there has been anything which could even be called an excessive zeal by any agent. (Hoover 1929 1974 pp. 60-1)International Falls City Council telegram to Hoover, 6/18/29: Dear Mr. President: The International Falls City Council voted and passed upon the following resolution:
"Whereas at an open meeting of business men and city officials of this border city last June 14 an informal appeal to the President was drawn up, asking him to end the terrorism inflicted upon our citizens and neighbors by Federal customs patrolmen, engaged in prohibition enforcement;
"and whereas, our appeal has remained unanswered, even though the vicious and unlawful conduct of said government agents have continued unabated - except that there has been no fresh murder of our innocent neighbors;
"Therefore, be it resolved that we, the City Council of the City of International Falls, in regular session assembled, do hereby remind the President that the memorialization of the citizens' appeal was and is the articlulate pleading of the community:
"And be it further resolved that the City Council of the City of International Falls does hereby join its official voice in requesting from our President an urgent response to the pleas for help from our people. (Hoover 1929 1974 p. 195) dry killer
June 18/29: Hoover meeting w/ George W. Wickersham (Hoover 1930 1976 p. 666)
Hoover letter to International Falls City Council on its protest against prohibition enforcement incidents, June 21, 1929 [dated 6/18]: ...The matter has been referred to the Treasury Department for action. You may rest assured that there is no intention on the part of the Federal Government in any way to transgress the limits of the law. Yours faithfully, Herbert Hoover (Hoover 1929 1974 pp. 194-5)
Hoover news conference of 6/18/29: Prohibition Enforcement Incidents at the Canadian Border -...I deeply deplore the killing of any person. The Treasury Department is making an effort to prevent the misuse of arms.... I hope the communities along the border will do their best to help the Treasury and the systematic war that is being carried on by international criminals against the laws of the United States. It is these activities [not prohibition] that are at the root of all our difficulties. [Government Note: The statement referred to a series of incidents along the Canadian border in which Treasury agents had confronted persons illegally transporting liquor into the United States. a lie] (Hoover 1929 1974 pp. 189-190)
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