Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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New York Times March 7, 1920
Revenue Bureau Officials Find Alarming Increase in Victims and Prepare to Enforce Law.
CHICAGO, March 6.-- Plans for a national campaign against the drug habit by the most
stringent enforcement of the Harrison Anti-Narcotic act yet attempted are being formed by
officers of the Internal Revenue Bureau, it was announced today by Charles Rogers,
Assistant Supervising Collector at Washington, who is in Chicago to direct reorganization
of field deputies. "In the hue and cry against liquor, the public apparently has
forgotten that more sinister social menace, the drug habit." Mr. Rogers said.
"Just as soon as our bureau has the income tax work off its hands, we are going to
roll up our sleeves and go after 'dope,' tooth and nail."
Mr. Rogers said the bureau had reports of an alarming increase of the number of drug victims and in the smuggling traffic.
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