Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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The New York Times September 27, 1942
League of Nations Section in Report Stresses Breach in Communications
Problems in Legitimate Use of 'Dangerous Drugs' Due to War Also Outlined
Stricter wartime control of international communications and their cessation in many
instances has caused a diminution in illicit world traffic in narcotics, according to a
report section of the work of the League of Nations for the year ended in May, made public
Despite the decrease, "no efforts are being spared to preserve the system of control
of dangerous drugs, built up so laboriously in the last twenty two years under the
auspices of the League of Nations," the report says.
Curbs During War Needed
"It is in the common interest that drug addiction and illicit traffic should be
combated and reduced to the lowest possible scale," it continued. "This is
particularly important during the present world-wide conflict. Wars create conditions
favorable to the development of drug addiction, both through the suffering caused by war
and the fact that drugs are necessarily more extensively used and sometimes unavoidably
come into the hands of persons who are not familiar with their dangers and do not realize
the need for careful use and supervision."
The war also has created problems concerning the illegitimate use of narcotics.
"Existing supplies for legitimate use must be carefully protected," the report
declares. "New sources of supply have to be sought and the trends of the
international trade have, as a consequence, undergone very material changes.
"This means, in fact, that the drug trade no longer follows its normal well regulated
channels. In these circumstances also, the immediate situation requires continued
vigilance and control, and experience proves that this control is only possible on the
basis of conventions and international cooperation.
Plan for Control Urged
"Although it is not possible to make progress during the war, it is possible to
plan for further progress. The settlement following the war will offer opportunity for
improvement in the control of dangerous drugs, but only if the necessary preparatory work
has been done."
International control of narcotics, including their manufacture and distribution depends
on estimates of requirements given the league by various governments. A supervisory body
set up by the League convention of 1931 examines these estimates and also makes its own
for those governments which fail to supply them. Control of illicit narcotics based
distribution is also on government reports and despite the international situation most of
the nations have continued to cooperate in this respect the League reports.
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