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The New York Times June 3, 1950
Clinical Success Is Reported in Adrenal-Cortical Therapy for Alcoholic and Narcotic
Restoring of Normal Function of Body Described by Doctors
to the Geriatrics Society
A new hormone-injection treatment for alcoholics that can be extended to
narcotics addicts was described in detail here yesterday to members of the American
Geriatric Society.
Two doctors associated with the Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals reported that the
administration of extracts from the adrenal glands resulted in "striking and
immediate" clinical improvement.
"Endocrine therapy with adrenal cortical extract eliminates the torturing drying out
period in alcoholism and lessens significantly the recurrent craving for alcohol,"
they said. "It makes possible the successful treatment of barbiturate and narcotic
addiction in the general hospital without specialized medical attention."
The report was made by Dr. Harold W. Lovell, who, earlier in the day, was elected
president of the society, meeting at the Commodore Hotel. Associated with him in his work
and report was Dr. John W. Tintera.
Expanding a paper they gave before the society last year, the two doctors came to the
conclusion that alcoholism and narcotic addiction were based on inter-related
psychological and physical causes.
Adrenal Insufficiency Noted
To treat patients, they suggested a three-point program which included a high fat, medium
protein and low carbohydrate diet and referral to Alcoholics Anonymous in addition to
their adrenal cortical extract injections.
They also proposed hospitalization for alcoholic patients who were drinking at the time
the treatment was started and for all narcotic addicts under treatment.
In their biological analysis of alcoholics and narcotics addicts, Dr. Lovell and Dr.
Tintera singled out malfunctioning of the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys.
They selected the term "hypoadrenocorticism" to identify the disorder and to
indicate a level of adrenal insufficiency.
They observed that emotional factors, such as worry, grief and fear, might act as alarming
stimuli for adrenal deficiencies and that this hypoadrenocorticism, in turn, was
responsible for nervous symptoms, such as irritability, depression and negativism.
A low blood sugar level usually follows and the alcoholic becomes weak, restless,
unstable, fearful, sweaty and often develops pallor and dilated pupils, they said. Then
comes a craving for alcohol and, in some, for carbohydrates, such as candy.
Two Types of Alcoholics
The doctors found two distinct groups of alcoholic patients, one described as
constitutionally hypoadrenocortic and the other acquired, apparently through alcoholic
The first group included tall, thin males with soft smooth faces and little or no chest
hair, who usually report a low tolerance for alcohol from the first time they used it. The
second group included men who drank successfully for many years, often 15 to 20, before
succumbing to alcoholism.
The first group was regarded as highly susceptible to alcohol and the most likely of the
various constitutional types to become alcoholic at an early age.
"Continued drinking decreases the blood sugar further, the liver glycogen stores
become depleted and fatty infiltration of the liver occurs," the report continued.
"The liver in this state is unable to detoxify circulating estrogens, with resultant
loss of body hair and signs of feminism appearing in the chronic alcoholic."
The problem of the barbiturate and narcotic addict was described as similar in many
respects to that of the alcoholic. The treatment outlined was similar, but more intensive.
Reversal of the Process
The pathological processes were reversed, according to the doctors, by the administration
of adrenal cortex extract (ACE). This mobilized glycogen from tissue protein , increased
the blood sugar and initiated a return toward normal functioning of the liver.
"It is a great revelation to the defeated alcoholic or drug patient to find he can
attain a normal, relaxed level with glandular therapy and an altered dietary
regimen," the doctors said.
Their hormonal therapy consists of intravenous injections of 30 cc of aqueous adrenal
cortex in three doses of 10 cc each in the first twenty four hours; two doses of 10 cc
each the next day, and one dose on each of the following three days.
Following the patient's discharge from the hospital, smaller doses are injected
intramuscularly twice a week for four weeks and then at weekly intervals for an indefinite
period. The doctors also suggested following the patient for at least a year.
The doctors reported that Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) was effective in all types
of acute alcoholism, but said they preferred ACE for continuation therapy, because of
"complications" associated with the use of ACTH.
"Therapy is relatively simple, nontoxic and entirely safe under the guidance of any
competent physician," they concluded.
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