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The following are Homicide rates for the years prior to, during, and following Prohibition of alcohol in the United States (according to "Murder Statistics from Statistical Abstract of the United States", U.S. Dept. of Commerce).
The ten years Prohibition Prohibition preceeding begins 1920 ends 1933 Prohibition 1910 - 4.6 1920 - 6.8 1933 - 9.7 1911 - 5.5 1921 - 8.1 1934 - 9.5 1912 - 5.4 1922 - 8.0 1935 - 8.3 1913 - 6.1 1923 - 7.8 1936 - 8.0 1914 - 6.2 1924 - 8.1 1937 - 7.6 1915 - 5.9 1925 - 8.3 1938 - 6.8 1916 - 6.3 1926 - 8.4 1939 - 6.4 1917 - 6.9 1927 - 8.4 1940 - 6.3 1918 - 6.5 1928 - 8.6 1941 - 6.0 1919 - 7.2 1929 - 8.4 1942 - 5.9 1930 - 8.8 1943 - 5.1 1931 - 9.2 1944 - 5.0 1932 - 9.0
Note that at it's height, the homicide rate under Prohibition was not disimilar to
modern homicide and non-negligent manslaughter rates (as recorded in the FBI Uniform Crime
Reports). These have hovered around the 9.2 +/- 1.0 per 100,000 mark for the past twenty
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Alcohol