Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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Summary of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report by Tod Mikuriya
Introduction, by Tod Mikuriya
Centennial Thoughts on the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, by Tod Mikuriya
Indian Hemp and the Dope Fiends of Old England - A sociopolitical history of cannabis and the British Empire 1840-1928, by Sean Blanchard & Matthew J. Atha MSc
Chapter IX. Social and Religious Customs
Chapter XIV. The Policy of Hemp Drug Administration
Note by Mr. G. A. Grierson, C.I.E., Magistrate and Collector, Howrah, on references to the hemp plant occurring in Sanskrit and Hindi literature.
Note by Mr. J. M. Campbell, C.I.E., Collector of Land Revenue and Customs and Opium, Bombay, on the religion of hemp.
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