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This page is devoted to items related to cocaine.
'Crack babies' catch up --By DANA KENNEDY, The Associated Press, 12/6/92
Effects of Crack Smoking on the Lungs -- Abstracts of 17 articles on the effects of smoking crack.
References on the Crack Baby problem
The Myth of the Crack Babies - (The Boston Sunday Globe January 12, 1992 pg 69) By Ellen Goodman
Smoking out cocaine's in utero impact - (Science_News November 1991)
Cocaine Toothache Drops - An ad for cocaine toothache drops from 1885 (picture)
Coca Wine. For Fatigue of Mind and Body, A bottle of Coca Wine stands next to the advertising text. From The illustrated medical news -- London, April 27, 1889. Volume_Page: v. 3, p. viii (picture)
A Short History of Amphetamines -- From: "Drugs and the Brain" by Solomon H Snyder
A Recipe for Cocaine Pudding, From The New Larousse Gastronomique
Two References on Coca-Leaf Chewing
Experts push legalization of cocaine gum to wean addicts By DAN FREEDMAN Hearst News Service
Cocaine story in Colombia From: (David Ashley) - I thought this was an interesting story, primarily because I have been to these countries myself and I know that most Americans really don't understand what is going on down there until they have been there.
The Self Medication Hypothesis: ADHD & Chronic Cocaine Abuse - A Literature Review By Daniela Plume B.A / April, 1995
How long does it take for crack (or cocaine) to clear out of urine?
Cocaine Production Effect on the Environment in Colombia
The Effects of Crack, by Professor Michael Gazzaniga
Pharmacology of Cocaine Smoking in Humans
On Cocaine, by Sigmund Freud
Feasibility of a Cocaine Vaccine - Press Release
The Caffeine Molecule (picture)
The Social Pharmacology of Smokeable Cocaine: Not All It's Cracked Up to Be - John P. Morgan and Lynn Zimmer Chapter 7 of Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice Craig Reinarman and Harry G. Levine, editors
An overview of cocaethylene, an alcohol-derived, psychoactive, cocaine metabolite. by MJ Landry Training and Education Project, Haight Ashbury Free Clinics. J Psychoactive Drugs, 1992 Jul-Sep, 24:3, 273-6
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