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1. La Guardia Commission, The Marihuana Problem ie the City of New York (Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Reprint Corp. 1973), p.24-25.
2. Ibid., p. 218.
3. Ibid., p.214.
4. S. Charen and L. Perelman, "Personality Studies of Marihuana Addicts," American Journal of Psychiatry, 102 (1946): 68.
5. E. Marcovitz and J. J. Myers, "The Marihuana Addict in the Army," War Medicine, 6 (1946): 389.
6. K. Bruan, L. Pan, and I. Rexed, The Gentlemen's Club (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975), p.195.
7. J. J. Anslinger, "More on Marihuana and Mayor La Guardia's Committee Report," Journal of the American Medical Association 128 (1945): 1187.
8. New York Times, June 19, 1951.
9. Congressional Record, 97th Congress, 1951, p.8197.
10. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means Hearings on H.R. 3490, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, 1951, p.206.
11. Quoted in R. King, The Drug Hang Up (Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas, 1974), p.90.
12. Ibid., p.91.
13. Congressional Record, 102nd Congress, 1956, p.9015.
14. U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, Article 28(3).
15. Time Sept 26, 1969.
16. New' York Times, Feb.15, 1970.
17. Quoted in King, p.93-94.
18. Ibid., p.94.
19. Ibid., p.94-95.
20. Ibid., p.95.
21. Ibid., p.101.
22. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding (Gov't Printing Office: Washington, D.C., 1972), p.332.
23. R. E. Schultes, W. M. Klein, T. Plowman, and T. E. Lockwood, "Cannabis: An Example of Taxonomic Neglect," in Cannabis and Culture, ed. V. Rubin (The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton), p.24.
24. A. T. Weil, N. E. Zinberg, and J. M. Nelsen, "Clinical and Psychological Effects of Marihuana in Man," Science, 162(1968): 1234.
25. M. A. Stenchever, T. J. Kunysz, and M. Allen, "Chromosomal Breakage in Users of Marihuana," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 118 (1974): 106-13.
26. W. W. Nichols, R. C. Miller, W. Heneen, C. Bradt, L. E. Hollister, and S. Kanter, "Cytogenetic Studies on Human Subjects Receiving Marihuana and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol," Mutation Research 26 (1974): 413-7.
27. G. G. Nahas, N. Suciu-Foca, J. P. Armand, and A. Morishima, "Inhibition of Cellular Mediated Immunity in Marihuana Smokers," Science 183 (1974). 419-20.
28. M. J. Silverstein, and P. J. Lessin, "Normal Skin Test Responses in Chronic Marihuana Users," Science 186 (1974): 740-1.
29. F. S. Tennant, M. Preble, T. J. Pendergast, and P. Ventry, "Medical Manifestations Associated with Hashish," Journal of the American Medical Association, 216 (1971): 1965-1969.
30. A. M. C. Campbell, M. Evans, J. L. C. Thomason, and M. J. Williams, "Cerebral Atrophy in Young Cannabis Smokers," Lancet 1 (1971): 1219-24.
31. E. M. Brecher, "Marihuana: The Health Question," Consumer Reports, 40 (1975): 147.
32. V. Rubin, and L. Comitas, Ganja in Jamaica (The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton, 1975).
33. H. Kolansky, and W. Moore, "Effects of Marihuana on Adolescents and Young Adults," Journal of the American Medical Association 216 (1971): 486-92.
34. Rubin and Comitas, Ganja.
35. R. S. Hepler, and I. R. Frank, "Marihuana Smoking and Intraocular Pressure," Journal of the American Medical Association 217 (1971): 1392.
36. S E. Sallan, N. E. Zinberg, and E. Frel, "Antiemetic Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Patients Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy," New England Journal of Medicine 293 (1975): 795-7.
37. D. P. Tashkin, B. J. Shapiro, and I. M. Frank, "Acute Effects of Smoked Marihuana and Oral Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol: Mechanisms of Increased Specific Airway Conductance in Asthmatic Subjects," American Review of Respiratory Diseases 109 (1974): 420-8.
38. J. H. Davis, and H. H. Ramsey, "Antiepileptic Action of Marihuana-Active Substances," Federation Proceedings 8 (1949): 284-5.