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Federal Expert Calls on P.T.A. Congress to Act Against Newest Narcotic
Dr. Studebaker at Richmond Meeting Says Child Should Be Taught to Think
Special to The New York Times - May 4, 1937
RICHMOND, Va., May 3. -- Relentless warfare on marihuana, which was termed the latest narcotic menace to youth, was urgently recommended to the National Congress of Parents and Teachers here today by Mrs. Hamilton Wright, special representative of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. The congress opened its convention this morning with 2,000 members present.
Addressing a group on the use of alcohol and narcotics, one of a series of afternoon conferences on a variety of problems to be held throughout most of the week, Mrs. Wright characterized marihuana as the "most pernicious" of drugs.
She said it produced in smokers of the weed a temporary sense of complete irresponsibility which led to sex crimes and other "horrible" acts of violence.
Comparatively few persons are familiar with it, she explained, because it was introduced into the country ten years ago as a cigarette by Mexican peddlers, who have since reaped a financial harvest on its sale in the larger centers. But in that short time, she added, every State save South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee had passed laws against it.
...several less-relevant paragraphs omitted...
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