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Police Uproot Narcotic Plants in Four Brooklyn Lots.
New York Times. July 28, 1936
Policemen under the direction of Detective Thomas Mason of the narcotic squad cleared four lots in the Bath Beach section of Brooklyn of marihuana. The uprooted plants, enough to fill a patrol wagon, were carted to the Bath Beach station. Eventually they will be destroyed.
The lots, a few blocks apart, were at Avenue X and West Thirteenth Street, Bay Forty-ninth Street near Harway Avenue, Bay Fiftieth Street and Harway Avenue and Bay Forty-seventh Street and Eighth Avenue.
Detection of the plants followed an educational campaign started by Captain Joseph Mooney, in charge of the narcotic squad. He lectured in the Bath Beach station recently, acquainting the patrolmen with the characteristics of the plant. Thus the policemen were able to identify it when they saw it on their rounds.
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