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Government Will Ask States To Ban Growing of Marijuana
By The Associated Press.
New York Times, September 16, 1931
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. -- A uniform law to prohibit the growing of marijuana plants is being prepared for presentation to State Legislatures, Commissioner Anslinger of the Narcotics Bureau announced today.
He said marijuana was used chiefly in Louisiana, Texas and California. It is produced from three varieties of plants, the flowers of which are smoked in cigarettes.
A Texas law prohibiting the growing of marijuana went into effect July 1 and that [sic.] since then Texas authorities have mowed down the plants wherever found.
There are no Federal laws on the growth or use of marijuana, the plant being grown so easily that there is almost no interstate commerce in it.
Mr. Anslinger said the government under the Constitution cannot dictate what may be grown within individual states.
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