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200 Attack Home of Chief of Police, Believing He Shot One of Their Companions
Special Cable to The New York Times. October 6, 1934
PANAMA, C. Z., Oct. 5. -- Two hundred West Indian Negroes rioted at Colon today, stoning the house of the chief of police, José Delgado, because they believed he had shot and killed one of their companions, 17-year-old Justo Jaen.
Later the mob broke into a boy's correctional school and shattered the windows of the drug store owned by Señor Delgado's father. The commander of the national police hastened by airplane to Colon and police reinforcements armed with rifles were sent from various towns by a special train. Señor Delgado headed a group of policemen who raided a place where West Indians were said to be smoking marijuana on the Colon beach. When the group scattered policemen fired two shots and Jaen fell.
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