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Dix Soldier Sought Marajuana From Two Men in Brooklyn, Arraignment Reveals.
New York Times, October 30, 1934
Evidence that a soldier at Camp Dix has been attempting to buy the narcotic marajuana for disposal to youths in the CCC camps was presented to Magistrate Casey in Downtown Court, Brooklyn, yesterday at the arraignment of two men on charges of violating the State Uniform Narcotic Act.
The defendants, Robert Arnold, 29 years old, and Louis Kelly, 25, both of 17 Concord Street, Brooklyn, were held without bail for the grand jury. They were arrested on Oct. 17 after detectives posed as soldiers at Governors Island and purchased the narcotic at the Concord Street address.
Detective Thomas Mason testified that in the apartment occupied by the two men he found letters from soldiers ordering the narcotic, the leaf of the marajuana plant, which is cured and rolled like tobacco and then smoked as a cigarette.
One of the letters, according to the detective, was from a Camp Dix soldier who ordered "as much as you can send," because the "CCC boys are ready to go East, West and South, and I have dug up a number of clients."
Captain Joseph Mooney, commander of the police narcotic squad, informed the magistrate that Arnold, one of the defendants, was under indictment in the Bronx. Records at the District Attorney's office in that borough show that Arnold was indicted under the name of Nicholas Decooms for assault and robbery.
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