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A Fiscal Analysis of Marijuana Decriminalization
The following graph clearly shows the buildup of marijuana cases in California's superior and lower Courts until 1977, when the Moscone Act, in tandem with Penal Code Section 17, and PC 1000, took marijuana possession dispositions out of the court system.
This part of our report is far from complete. The Bureau of Criminal Statistics has provided us with adult felony marijuana disposition data for the years 1976 to 1984, which is presented here. 'There is no data available on adult misdemeanor dispositions, and the juvenile disposition data is limited.
The adult felony marijuana dispositions are collected by a system known as OBTS-- the Offender Based Transaction Statistics program, which has been on line in California since 1978. Before that, the information is less than complete because some counties weren't using OBTS yet.
Even the OBTS data, however, is thought to be about 30 percent underreported. This applies to all adult felony dispositions including those for felony marijuana offenders. Despite this, it is possible to calculate the costs of these dispositions by using the percentage of all dispositions which were for marijuana instead of the raw figures themselves.
The other figures needed for this calculation are Accurate, across the board Court expenditures including direct trial costs and other court related expenditures. Only the California Judicial Council collects this information in combined form, and that has only been in the last few years. We have used this information to determine an approximate court-cost per adult felony marijuana disposition for fiscal years 1982/83 and 1983/84.
The data collected by the Bureau of Criminal Statistics divides these expenditures into Court costs (for Superior, Municipal, and Justice courts) and "Court-Related Costs" which are not divided by court. This makes it hard to assign court-related costs to superior or lower court, and we're still reforming on a method by which to do this. Then we will be able to ascertain total Court expenditures on marijuana dispositions for other years.
In the DISPTREE charts on the -following three pages, the -figures used determine court costs are those in lines 8 and 39, because those are the dispositions that made it into a court. Line 1, the total adult felony marijuana dispositions, includes those released by the police (line 2), those that were turned over to another jurisdiction (line 3), those on whom a complaint was requested by a prosecutor (line 4), and those whose complaint was denied by a Court (line 5).
Since only those on whom a complaint was filed (line 6) made it into courts it is accurate to use only the actual court dispositions (lines 8 and 39) in computing Court Costs. However, this does not include the costs of police dispositions, prosecutors, or public de-fenders.
Actual court expenditures on adult felony marijuana dispositions were approximately 16.4 million dollars in fiscal 1992/83, and approximately $18.6 million in fiscal 1983/84. This works out to a Superior Court cost of $2112 per marijuana case, a Lower Court cost of $1491 per marijuana case, and a combined average cost of $1701 per marijuana case.
Inflation-adjusted expenditures have -riot been calculated yet.
1976 % 1977 % 1978 %
1. TOTAL AD.FEL.MJ. DISPOSITIONS 8862 100 19317 100 8201 100
2. Released by Police 255 2.9 254 1.3 377 4.6
3. Indictments/ Warrants (SC/LC) 592 6.7 350 1.8 498 6.1
4. COMPLAINT Requested (Pros.) 8015 90.4 18713 96.9 7326 89.3
5. Complaint Denied 1239 14.0 1401 7.3 1243 15.2
6. COMPLAINT GRANTED (To L.C.) 6776 76.5 17312 89.6 6083 74.2
5. LOWER COURT DISPOSITIONS 7293 82.3 17602 91.1 6526 79.6
9. MISDEMEANOR Complaints 4097 46.2 13841 71.6 3337 40.7
10. Not Convicted 1863 21.0 8102 41.9 1328 16.2
11. Dismissed 1850 20.9 8025 41.5 1319 16.1
12. Acquitted 12 0.1 75 0.4 9 0.1
13. Juv. Court 1 0.0 2 0.0 0 0
14. CONVICTED (Misd.) 2234 25.2 5738 29.7 2009 24.5
15. Guilty Plea (Misd.) 2103 23.7 5449 28.2 1858 22.7
16. CYA 0 0 2 0.0 0 0
17. Probation 631 7.1 1835 9.5 535 6.5
18. Prob. w/ Jail 280 3.2 603 3.1 287 3.5
19. Jail 276 3.1 642 3.3 253 3.1
20. Fine 1008 11.4 2480 12.8 920 11.2
21. Other 39 0.4 176 0.9 14 0.2
22. FELONY Complaints 3196 36.1 3762 19.5 3189 38.9
23. Not convicted 1008 11.4 1119 5.8 1109 13.5
24. Dismissed 998 11.3 1110 5.7 1108 13.5
25. Acquitted 9 0.1 a 0.0 1 0.0
26. JUV. Court 2 0.0 1 0.0 0 0
27. CONVICTED (Fel.) 705 8.0 795 4.1 725 8.8
28. Guilty Plea (Fel.) 678 7.7 763 3.9 674 19.2
29. CYA 0 0 0 0 0 0
30. Probation 241 2.7 333 1.7 266 3.2
31. Prob. w/ Jail 244 2.8 222 1.1 252 3.1
32. Jail 86 1.0 68 0.4 SC) 1.0
33. Fine 130 1.5 159 0.8 126 1.5
34. Other 4 0 13 0.1 1 0.0
35. To Superior Court 1483 16.7 1848 9.6 1355 16.5
36. Held to Answer 1352 15.3 1662 8.6 1214 14.8
37. Guilty Plea (S.C.) 131 1.5 186 1.0 141 1.7
39. SUPERIOR COURT DISPOSITIONS 1558 17.6 1907 9.9 1410 17.2
40. Not Convicted 303 3.4 520 2.7 260 3.2
41. Dismissed 284 3.2 484 2.5 236 2.9
42. Acquitted 18 0.2 35 0.2 24 0.3
43. Not guilty-Insane 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Juv. Court 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0
45. CONVICTED 1255 14.2 1387 7.2 1150 14.0
46. Guilty Plea (inc. NG-To-G) 1013 11.4 1138 5.9 947 11.6
47. Prison 59 0.7 49 0.3 42 0.5
48. CYA 7 0.1 15 0.1 1 0.0
49. Probation 376 4.2 458 2.4 326 4.0
50. Probation w/ Jail 727 19.2 753 3.9 727 8.9
51. Jail 38 0.4 39 0.2 27 0.3
52. Fine 38 0.4 58 0.3 23 0.3
53. CRC 10 0.1 10 0.1 3 0.0
54. Other 0 0 2 0.0 1 0.0
56. TOTAL CONVICTIONS (14+27+45) 4497 50.7 7920 41.0 3884 47.4
57. Total Guilty Pleas(15+28+46) 3794 42.8 7350 38.1 3479 42.4
58. Total Incarcerated (18,19, 1710 19.3 2376 12.3 1668 20.3
NO Death sentences, NO not-guilty-insanity. I think line 46 includes line 37
1979 % 1980 % 1981 %
1. TOTAL AD.FEL.MJ. DISPOSITIONS 9034 100 10889 100 11767 100
2. Released by Police 598 6.6 809 7.4 933 7.9
3. Indictments/ Warrants (SC/LC) 537 5.9 550 5.1 688 5.9
4. COMPLAINT Requested (Pr-cis.) 7899 87.4 9530 87.5 10146 86.2
5. Complaint Denied 1489 16.5 1873 17.2 2070 17.6
6. COMPLAINT GRANTED (To L.C.) 6410 71.0 7657 70.3 8076 68.6
B. LOWER COURT DISPOSITIONS 6934 76.8 8200 75.3 8758 74.4
9. MISDEMEANOR Complaints 3713 41.1 4277 39.3 3807 32.4
10. Not Convicted 1395 15.4 1609 14.8 1363 11.6
11. Dismissed 1375 15.2 1600 14.7 1353 11.5
12. Acquitted 19 0.2 9 0.1 1.0 0.1
13. Juv. Court 1 0.0 0 0 0 0
14. CONVICTED (Misd.) 2318 25.7 2668 24.5 2444 20.8
15. Guilty Plea (Misd.) 2139 23.7 2433 22.3 2205 18.7
16. CYA 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0
17. Probation 614 6.8 714 6.6 721 6.1
15. Prob. w/ Jail 398 4.4 464 4.3 388 3.3
19. Jail 266 2.9 374 3.4 346 2.9
20. Fine 998 11.0 1081 9.9 955 8.1
21. Other 41 0.5 34 0.3 34 0.3
22. FELONY Complaints 3221 35.7 3923 36.0 4951 42.1
23. Not convicted 1012 11.2 1126 10.3 1379 11.7
24. Dismissed 1007 11.1 1118 10.3 1377 11.7
25. Acquitted 4 0.0 5 0.0 1 0.0
26. JUV. Court 1 0.0 3 0.0 1 0.0
27. CONVICTED (Fel.) 728 8.1 1025 9.4 1243 10.6
28. Guilty Plea (Fel.) 674 7.5 956 8.8 1157 9.8
29. CYA 0 0 0 0 0 0
30. Probation 288 3.2 356 3.3 357 3.0
31. Prob. w/ Jail 265 2.9 427 3.9 556 4.7
32. Jail 82 0.9 98 0.9 141 1.2
33. Fine Be 1.0 141 1.3 184 1.6
34. Other 5 0.1 3 0.0 5 0.0
35. To Superior Court 1481 16.4 1772 16.3 2329 19.8
36. Held to Answer 1325 14.7 1465 13.5 1868 15.9
37. Guilty Plea (S.C.) 156 1.7 307 2.8 461 3.9
39. SUPERIOR COURT DISPOSITIONS 1494 16.5 1779 16.3 2335 19.8
40. Not Convicted 246 2.7 230 2.1 293 2.5
41. Dismissed 229 2.5 202 1.9 283 2.4
42. Acquitted 17 0.2 28 0.3 10 0.1
43. Not guilty-Insane 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Juv. Court 0 0 0 0 0 0
45. CONVICTED 1248 13.8 1549 14.2 2042 17.4
46. Guilty Plea (inc. NG-To-G) 1014 11.2 1294 11.9 1739 14.8
47. Prison 59 0.7 59 0.5 101 0.9
48. CYA 3 0.0 12 0.1 15 0.2
49. Probation 374 4.1 382 3.5 462 3.9
50. Probation w/ Jail 751 8.3 1036 9.5 1388 11.8
51. Jail 25 0.3 29 0.3 48 0.4
52. Fine 35 0.4 28 0.3 21 0.2
53. CRC 0 0 3 0.0 4 0.0
54. Other (inc.MDSO) 1 0.0 0 0 0 0
56. TOTAL. CONVICTIONS (14+27+45) 4294 47.5 5242 48.1 5729 48.7
57. Total Guilty Pleas(15+28+46) 3827 42.4 4683 43.0 5101 43.4
58. Total Incarcerated (18,19, 1846 20.4 2487 22.8 2968 25.2
No Death sentences, No not-guilty-insanity. I think line 46 includes line 37
Adfel MJ Complaints filed (12276) in CJP 79 p.61 differ a lot from this data
1982 % 1983 % 1984 %
1. TOTAL AD.FEL.MJ. DISPOSITIONS 12030 100 12332 100 11356 100
2. Released by Police 644 5.4 568 4.6 580 5.1
3. Indictments/ Wary-ants (SC/LC) 1 0.0 4 0.0 1 0.0
4. COMPLAINT Requested (Pros.) 11385 94.6 11760 95.4 10775 94.9
5. Complaint Denied 3552 29.5 4116 33.4 3522 31.0
6. COMPLAINT GRANTED (To L.C.) 7833 65.1 7644 62.0 7253 63.9
B. LOWER COURT DISPOSITIONS 7833 65.1 7644 62.0 7253 63.9
9. MISDEMEANOR Complaints 2548 21.2 1813 14.7 1279 11.3
10. Not Convicted 1081 9.0 948 7.7 585 5.2
11. Dismissed 10783 9.0 944 7.7 584 5.1
12. Acquitted 3 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0
13. Juv. Court 0 0 2 0.0 0 0
14. CONVICTED (Misd.) 1467 12.2 865 7.0 694 6.1
15. Guilty Plea (Misd.) n/a n/a n/a
16. CYA 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Probation 496 4.1 304 2.5 238 2.1
18. Prob. w/ Jail 410 3.4 298 2.4 258 2.3
19. Jail 246 2.0 151 1.2 121 1.1
20. Fine 305 2.5 103 0.8 74 0.7
21. Other 10 0.1 9 0.1 3 0.0
22. FELONY Complaints 5285 43.9 5831 47.3 5974 52.6
23. Not convicted 1403 11.7 1479 12.0 1427 12.6
24. Dismissed 1399 11.6 1471 11.9 1415 12.5
25. Acquitted 3 0.0 4 0.0 4 0.0
26. Juv. Court 1 0.0 4 0.0 4 0.0
27. CONVICTED (Fel.) 1015 8.4 999 8.1 842 7.4
2B. Guilty Plea (Fel.) n/a n/a n/a
29. CYA 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
30. Probation 341 2.8 364 3.0 293 2.6
31. Prob. w/ Jail 491 4.1 499 4.0 431 3.83
32. Jail 116 1.0 115 0.9 92 0.88
33. Fine 66 0.5 21 0.2 25 0.2
34. Other 1 0.0 0 0 1 0.0
35. To Superior Court 2867 23.8 3353 27.2 3705 32.6
36. Held to Answer 2131 17.7 2241 18.2 2455 21.6
37. Guilty Plea (S.C.) 736 6.1 1112 9.0 1250 11.0
39. SUPERIOR COURT DISPOSITIONS 2868 23.8 3357 27.2 3706 32.6
40. Not Convicted 327 2.7 299 2.4 292 2.6
41. Dismissed 299 2.5 272 2.2 278 2.4
42. Acquitted 27 0.2 26 0.2 11 0.1
43. Not guilty-Insane 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Juv. Court 1 0.0 1 0.0 3 0.0
45. CONVICTED 2541 21.1 3058 24.8 3414 30.1
46. Guilty Plea (inc. NG-To-G) n/a n/a n/a
47. Prison 106 0.9 134 1.1 221 1.9
48. CYA 8 0.1 3 0.0 6 0.1
49. Probation 577 4.8 698 5.7 607 5.3
50. Probation w/ Jail 1753 14.6 2117 17.2 2503 22.0
51. Jail 87 0.7 97 0.8 65 0.6
52. Fine a 0.1 7 0.1 a 0.1
53. CRC 2 0.0 2 0.0 2 0.0
54. Other (inc.MDSO) 0 0 0 0 2 0.0
56. TOTAL CONVICTIONS (14+27+45) 5023 41.8 4922 39.9 4950 43.6
57. Guilty Pleas(15+28+46) not available from OBTS TREES after 1982.
58. Total Incarcerated (18,19, 3209 26.7 3411 27.7 3691 32.5
31,32,47,50,51) Note DROP in convictions, incarcerations.
No Death sentences, No not-guilty-insanity. Guilty pleas n/a in OBTS trees.
The method used to calculate the costs of marijuana dispositions relies on the time-weighting technique which the Judicial Council of California uses to determine the number- of judgeships needed in the state (Source la). This technique recognizes the wide variance in judicial time needed to dispose of different types of cases, and gives a much more accurate picture of court dispositions than would be obtained from using the raw numbers of dispositions.
In fiscal 1983/84, for example, there were 781,471 cases filed in superior court. Of these, only about IC) percent (74,412) were criminal cases. However, these criminal cases tool, up 33 per-cent of superior court time. For comparison juvenile delinquency cases were also about IC) percent of filings, but took up only 7 percent of superior court time because most were sent to juvenile court (Source la!, pp. 105, 114).
With this in mind, the costs of felony marijuana dispositions can be worked out by ascertaining the costs of criminal cases in superior and lower courts, and then multiplying the result by the percentage of those cases which were for marijuana.
The figures for court expenditures in fiscal 1982/83 and 1983/849 and the percentage of time spent on criminal cases, come -from the annual reports of the California Judicial Council (Source 1). However, the Council does not have specific information on the number of marijuana dispositions processed through the courts, and for this we must rely on Bureau of Criminal Statistics data (Sources 2 and 3).
BCS can provide information on adult felony marijuana dispositions back to 1976, and for comparability we will therefore use BCS data on total adult felony arrest dispositions. However, due to underreporting of disposition information to BCS, only about 70 percent of adult felony dispositions are recorded each year (Sources 2 and 3). And this does not include any adult misdemeanor dispositions or juvenile dispositions.
Thus, we are comparing expenditures that are 100 percent reported with dispositions that are only 70 percent reported. The difficulty is mitigated somewhat by the fact that the percentages of total adult felony dispositions which were for marijuana (lines 6, 14 and 20 in the tables) would remain approximately the same if the disposition information was reported 100 percent. Since the calculation of marijuana expenditures relies on these percentages rather than on the raw number of dispositions, the result should be as accurate as possible with available information.
In the lower courts, the categories of criminal cases which include marijuana offenses are felony preliminary hearings, felonies reduced to misdemeanors, and Group A misdemeanors. These are the criminal cases used to determine the percentages of Municipal court time in line 10. Justice Court percentages are unavailable; by using Municipal Court percentages we have in effect transferred the relatively few marijuana cases in Justice Court into Municipal Court.
1. S.C. Expenditures $314,800,000 lb, p. 52
2. S.C. Criminal Case Time Percentage 33% lb, p.124
3. S.C. Criminal Case Expenditures $103,884,000 (#I X #2)
4. S.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions (83) 52,874 2, p. 13
5. S.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions 3,357 3, p. 3
6. S.C. % MJ of Ad. Fel. Dispositions 6.35% (#5 / #4)
7. S.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. Expenditures $ 6,596,634 (#6 X #3)
5. S.C. Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disposition $1965.04 (#7 / #5)
9. L.C. Expenditures $263,100,000 lb, p. 52
9a. Municipal Court Expenditures $245,200,000 lb, p. 52
9b. Justice Court Expenditures $ 17,900,000 lb, p. 52
10. M.C. Criminal Case Time Percentages* 45% (#10a + #10b)
l0a. M.C. Felony Cases 19% lbp p.157
10b. M.C. Group A Misdemeanor Cases 26% lb, p.157
11. L.C. Criminal Case Expenditures $118,395,000 (#I0 X #9)
Ila. L.C. Felony Expenditures $ 49,989,000 (#10a X #9)
Ilb. L.C. A-Misd Expenditures $ 68,406,000 (#10b X #9)
12. L.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions (83) 92,063 2p p. 13
13. L.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions (83) 7,644 3, P. 3
13a. L.C. Felony MJ Complaints 5,831 3, p. 3
13b. L.C. Misdem MJ Complaints 1,813 3, p. 3
14. % MJ of L.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions 88.30% (#13 / #12)
15. L.C. MJ Disposition Expenditures $ 9,826,785 (#14 X #11)
16. L.C. Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disposition $1285.56 (#15 / #13)
Note: Only Municipal Court time-percentages are used here because Justice
Court data is unavailable; the percentages should be approximately equal.
17. SCLC Criminal Case Expenditures $222,279,000 (#3 + #11)
18. SCLC Ad. Fel. Dispositions (yr) 144,937 (#4 + #12)
19. SCLC Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions 11,001 (#5 + #13)
20. % MJ of SCLC Ad. Fel. Dispositions 7.59% (#19 / #18)
21. SCLC Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. Expenditures $ 16,423,419 (#7 + #15)
22. AVG SCLC Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. $1492.90 (#21 / #19)
S.C. = Superior Court Mi = Marijuana Ad. Fel. = Adult Felony
L.C. = Lower Court AVG = Average Disp. = Disposition
M.C. = Municipal Court SCLC = Superior and Lower Courts Combined
1. S.C. Expenditures $360,650,000 la, p. 48
2. S.C. Criminal Case Time Percentage 33% la, p.114
3. S.C. Criminal Case Expenditures $120,216,667 (#I X #2)
4. S.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions (84) 56,963 2, p. 13
5. S.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions 3,706 3, P. 3
6. S.C. % MJ of Ad. Fel. Dispositions 6.51% (#5 / #4)
7. S.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. Expenditures $ 7,826,105 (#6 X #3)
B. S.C. Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disposition $2111.74 (#7 / #5)
9. L.C. Expenditures $310,060,000 la, p. 48
9a. Municipal Court Expenditures $289,510,000 la, p. 48
9b. Justice Court Expenditures $ 20,550,000 la, p. 48
IC). M.C. Criminal Case Time Percentages* 47% (#10a + #10b)
10a. M.C. Felony Cases 20% la, p.147
10b. M.C. Group A Misdemeanor Cases 27% la, p.147
11. L.C. Criminal Case Expenditures $145,728,200 (#10 X #9)
l1a. L.C. Felony Expenditures $ 62,012,000 (#10a X #9)
Ilb. L.C. A--Misd Expenditures $ 83,716,200 (#10b X #9)
12. L.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions (84) 97,757 2, p. 13
13. L.C. Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions 7,253 3, p. 3
13a. L.C. Felony MJ complaints 5,974 3, p. 3
13b. L.C. Misdem MJ complaints 1,279 3, p. 3
14. % MJ of L.C. Ad. Fel. Dispositions 7.42% (#13 / #12)
15. L.C. MJ Disposition Expenditures $ 10,813,032 (#14 X #11)
16. L.C. Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disposition $1490.84 (#15 / #13)
*Note: Only Municipal Court time-percentages are used here because Justice
Court data is unavailable; the percentages should be approximately equal.
17. SCLC Criminal Case Expenditures $265,944,867 (#3 + #11)
18. SCLC Ad. Fel. Dispositions (84) 154,720 (#4 + #12)
19. SCLC Ad. Fel. MJ Dispositions 10,959 (#5 + #13)
20. % MJ of SCLC Ad. Fel. Dispositions 7.08% (#19 / #18)
21. SCLC Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. Expenditures $ 18,639,137 (#7 + #15)
22. AVG SCLC Cost per Ad. Fel. MJ Disp. $1700.81 (#21 / #19)
S.C. = Superior Court Mi = Marijuana Ad. Fel. = Adult Felony
L.C. = Lower Court AVG = Average Disp. = Disposition
M.C. = Municipal Court SCLC = Superior ay-id Lower Courts Combined
1. Judicial Council of California, Annual Reports to the Governor and the Legislature. San Francisco: Administrative Office of the Courts.
la. 1985 Final Report. Weighting is described pp. 112 et seq. lb. 1984 Final Report.
IC. 1983 Final Report.
Id. 1982 Final Report.
2. Criminal Justice Profile 1984, pp. 12-14. Sacramento: Bureau of Criminal Statistics, 1985.
3. DISPTREE file appended to this report. It is derived from OBTS (Offender-Based Transaction Statistics) Disposition Trees for Adult Felony Marijuana Dispositions, with data limitation notes., 1976-1984. Sacramento: Bureau of Criminal Statistics, 1985.
1. Prosecutor (District Attorney) costs
2. Public Defender costs
3. Probation services expenditures
4. Adult Misdemeanor Arrest Dispositions
5. Juvenile Felony Arrest Dispositions
6. Juvenile Misdemeanor- Arrest Dispositions
7. Adult Felony Arrest Dispositions that did riot reach a court because dismissed by police.
e. Adult Felony Arrest Dispositions that did -riot reach a court except to have the complaint requested by a prosecutor be denied.
9. None of the expenditures have been inflation-adjusted yet.
"These costs represent the total operational costs of the trial Courts. The only category of costs not included are capital
Outlay expenditures for Such purposes as site acquisition and construction of new court facilities." -- Source la, p. 43.
(Thus the expenditures recorded by the Judicial Council include county budgets for superior, municipal and justice courts, the
County clerks office, bailiffs, court-appointed private attorneys., and indirect county costs attributable to court activities Such as personnel or purchasing offices whose costs are attributed to the courts by local prorated budget estimates. In addition, certain state contributions to trial courts such as superior court judges' salaries, block grants, judges' retirement funds, and reimbursement for specific legislative mandates. --Ibid.)
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