Sign the Resolution for a Federal
Commission on Drug Policy
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Hemp (Marijuana) | Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
Oct. 12th, 1937
Mrs. George Bass, Supervisor,
Federal Narcotics Bureau,
Federal Building,
Chicago, Ill.,
Dear Mrs. Bass:
Pursuant to your conversation yesterday with Mr. Fruend, one of my associates in the World Fibre Corporation with reference to Hemp development of the United States. I understand that during this conversation, Dr. A. O. Paul of California, came up for discussion. As you doubtless know, Dr. Paul has spent considerable time and money in bringing about this development in California, during which time, he has encountered the same question of narcotics. Dr. Paul advises me that in order to satisfy members of the state legislature of California, that there were no ill effects from the Hemp Plant where it was grown for Fibre, "before" it went to flower. He even told me that he had insisted that they - members of the legislature -- use this article, which they did, and decided that there was nothing that they could detect which was injurious to anyone.
I am also compiling a letter, setting forth the full details as to the tremendous commercial development in growing and processing Hemp Fibres and Hemp Hurds, which should have your earnest consideration before any attempt is made to smother a development which means so much to American agriculture and industry,
The published article which appeared in the Tribune under the date of October 11th, has created a serious and detrimental influence upon the future development of this stupendous industry, and has resulted in this company receiving telegrams and long distance phone calls from all parts of the country, attempting to ascertain the true conditions surrounding this new narcotics law. I believe therefore, that some sort of a qualifying statement should be made by you or the department at Washington, that capital, the American Farmer, Labor and Industry may know what future action will become necessary.
Your immediate attention, clarifying this situation, will be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
BY Signed H.W. Bellrose
H.W. Bellrose - President
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DRCNet Library | Schaffer Library | Hemp (Marijuana) | Marihuana Tax Act of 1937