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The Rufus King Collection
The Rufus King Collection
Documents from the private collection of Rufus King.
= Recommended Reading
The Drug Hang-Up, America's Fifty Year Folly
An excellent history of the development of American drug policy from 1900 to the present.
The Narcotics Bureau and the Harrison Act:
Jailing the Healers and the Sick
From: 62 YALE Law Journal, Pages 784-7 (1953).
Drug Addiction: Crime or Disease?
Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical
Association on Narcotic Drugs, Interim and Final Reports, 1961:
Not Thinking Like a Lawyer - The Case of Drugs in the Courts, by Steven Wisotsky
"The American System": Legal Sanctions to Repress Drug Abuse by Rufus King
Narcotic Drug Laws and Enforcement Policies by Rufus King
The Politics of Malevolence by Rufus King
Wild Shots in the War on Crime by Rufus King
Criminal Justice In Crisis (1988) - A Report to the American People and The American Bar on Criminal Justice in the United States: Some Myths, Some Realities, and Some Questions for the Future - This report has been prepared by the Special Committee on Criminal Justice in a Free Society of the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section. It has not been approved by and does not necessarily represent the official position of the American Bar Association or its Criminal Justice Section.
The Sentencing Boomerang: Drug Prohibition Politics
and Reform by Eric E. Sterling