Historical Research on Drug Policy
= Recommended Reading

Federal Court Decisions 1950-1959
1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA - on the CIAs experiments with LSD and other drugs during the 1950s.
- "Marihuana" - Dime Novel Cover
- Reefer Club (Marijuana Novel Cover)
- Illegal Searches Assailed by Court - The New York Times March 4, 1950
- Narcotics Arrests Show Sharp Rise - The New York Times March 5, 1950 - New York Leads All Districts in U. S. Marijuana Seizures Increase in Volume
- Narcotics Addicts on Increase in City - The New York Times April 18, 1950
- Hormone Injected in Two Addictions - The New York Times June 3, 1950, Clinical Success Is Reported in Adrenal-Cortical Therapy for Alcoholic and Narcotic
- Heroin Addicts Mount - The New York Times December 3, 1950 - U.S., Canada and Britain Report 'Graduation' From Marijuana
- Stiffer Law Asked in Narcotics Cases - The New York Times February 8, 1951, Prison sentences up to twenty years for narcotics sellers urged
- Relapses Run High in Narcotic 'Cures' - The New York Times February 18, 1951, City Treatment of Teen-Age Addicts held Inadequate--Growing Problem Seen
- Girl, 21, Gets Year in Narcotics Sales - The New York Times February 28, 1951 - Newark Dealer Also is Held on Charges of Impairing the Morals of Minors
- U. S. Finds Heroin Big Narcotic Snag - The New York Times May 2, 1951 - Delegate Tells U.N. Smuggling Is Chiefly from Italy, Greece,Turkey and Red China
- Narcotic Menace Held Nation-wide - The New York Times June 18, 1951 - Narcotic addiction among juveniles has reached epidemic proportions Federal narcotics officials say
- Youths Found Crossing to Mexico for Narcotics - The New York Times September 1, 1951 - The committee said many youngsters were visiting towns, across the Mexican border "for the sole purpose" of obtaining drugs such as marihuana
- Italy Called Heroin Center - The New York Times September 1, 1951 - Senate Crime Committee reported that Italy apparently was the center of the world's illicit heroin trade
- Repeaters Failing in Narcotics Cure - The New York Times October 3, 1951
- Narcotic Use Rise Held 'Tremendous' - The New York Times December 21, 1951 - A "tremendous increase" in teen-age users of narcotics reported by special committee
- Holiday of Horrors - Comic book about marijuana, 1952
- 9 on Rikers Island Seized in Round-Up of Narcotics Ring - The New York Times January 12, 1952 - 6 Correction Aides, 3 Civilian Employees of City Prison Linked to Inmate Sales
- Teen-Age Addicts Reported Fewer - The New York Times February 10, 1952 - Narcotics Bureau Says Upward Trend Was Halted in 1951 and 'Mobsters' Jailed
- Narcotics Counts in Schools Drops - The New York Times April 30, 1952 - Dr. Jansen Reports Only 30 Known Cases, Compared With 154 Listed a Year Ago
- Traffic in Narcotics is Flourishing - The New York Times May 11, 1952 - UN Commission Told Communist China is Biggest Offender
The Traffic in Narcotics - by Harry Anslinger, US Commissioner of Narcotics
- Coast Heroin Flow Laid To Red China - The New York Times November 24, 1953 - Senate told heroin from Communist China responsible for the rise in narcotics addiction among juveniles on the West Coast.
- Many G. I.'S In Korea Found To Be Addicts - The New York Times January 27, 1953 - A "frightfully high number" of American soldiers in Korea are victims of narcotics addiction, Cardinal Spellman said last night
- G. I. Use Of Narcotics In Korea Minimized - The New York Times January 29, 1953
- Mexico Denies Aiding Illicit Drug Traffic - The New York Times May 15, 1953 - The Mexican Government lodged a formal protest against charges that Mexico was tacitly encouraging international traffic in heroin
- City Youth Addicts Estimated at 7,500 - The New York Times November 25, 1953 - Welfare Worker's Testimony to Senate Group Clashes with Anslinger's Figure of 748
- Cut in Smuggling is Reported Here - The New York Times January 10, 1954, Customs Data for This Port in 1953 Show Drop of 969 in All Types of Seizures
- The Vicious Poppy - The New York Times January 11, 1954 - Review of The Traffic in Narcotics By Harry J. Anslinger and William F. Tomkins.
- Javits Reports Rise In Use of Narcotics - The New York Times September 4, 1955 - Attorney General Jacob K. Javits declared that narcotics use might have reached "a record high."
- Surplus of Opium Looms for the World - The New York Times January 11, 1955 - U.N. Unit Sees Legal Supply for 2-1/2 Years--- Reports Progress in Control
- East Side Physician Faces Speedy Trial - The New York Times March 4, 1955
- US Held Unable to Bar Narcotics - The New York Times, June 4, 1955
- 35,000 Addicts Listed in U.S. - The New York Times June 27, 1956
- 44,146 Drug Addicts Counted - The New York Times September 11, 1958

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